An outdoor kitchen is more than just a grill and a couple of cold drinks. To run a smooth outdoor kitchen, you must also consider these points we’re about to tackle. Cook in style by taking care to plan for these 3 important features which make your outdoor kitchen a great success.
Indoor Access
When planning for an outdoor kitchen setup, always think of easy indoor access. Place the setup near an entrance way especially if you will only have a halfway kitchen made up of the cooking range and a simple countertop. This way, bringing ingredients, utensils, and other cooking materials from your kitchen will be easier for you.
Cooking Range
Will it be a prefabricated kit, a gas-fueled or propane-based range? Are you the grill-and-chill kind of cook or a pizza maestro in the making? This helps in deciding which cooking range to set up in your outdoor kitchen especially if the space is limited. Some have a simple grill which can easily be cleaned up, folded and stored away when not in use. Some, meanwhile, have a full-service kitchen complete with sink and cupboards to boot.
Seating Area
While an outdoor kitchen is constructed mainly for cooking, the cook and assistants may also need some downtime while waiting for the food to cook. Designate a seating area not too far away from the range but not too close either you end up smelling grilled and well done too. Whether it’s foldable set, a rustic crate seat or even a refurbished old tire thrones, make sure you have ample seating area to make the outdoor kitchen more welcoming and comfortable.
By taking to account these 3 features, you will have a smooth session cooking and serving your freshly cooked, grilled, or even baked creations to friends and family.
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