Create a stable ground for your private outdoor spot by choosing the right patio surface material.
Available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, pavers are an inexpensive, easily available patio surface material. It’s a favorite option because it’s easy to install and can be adapted for use in any outdoor area, even those with irregular perimeters. Custom design and other specifications can also be made, however, with an added charge.
While it’s always in stock and affordable, pavers can easily sink or become unstable through time, especially if it’s laid directly on the ground. Colored pavers will also fade over time but replacing them will be easy as supply almost never runs out.
As it’s the base for most patio surface materials, homeowners sometimes just choose the dependable, basic chic concrete. Whether painted, stained, or in its classic gray color, concrete can last a long time and can handle foot and vehicle traffic very well. It can also be molded and designed to mimic other patio surface materials you have in mind. Price is also one important and convincing factor concrete provides homeowners.
However, sturdy and durable as it may be, concrete is not impervious to geological events such as earthquakes. If your house is near a fault line, you might find concrete conceding to the earth’s movements through time. Cracks and fissures may appear that can ruin the smooth, level surface of your outdoors. However, if it’s a simple crack with no change in the surface level, remedies can be done to bring the smooth quality of your concrete surface.
The loosest patio surface material of them all, gravel is great for outdoor areas and locations where rain and moisture are plentiful. Gravel easily lets water and moisture seep back into the earth and nourish your plants. If you’re keen on maintaining a rustic-looking garden, and a little wild and natural quality to your outdoor area, we suggest using gravel.
While it is the most natural patio surface material you might have, gravel might make the rest of your outdoors dustier than usual, especially if it’s not properly packed onto your surface.
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