Over the years, we have done a number of borders that add to the aesthetic feature of our client’s homes. If you’ve been thinking about how borders can add beauty to your own home, here are 5 border ideas which will definitely inspire you.
Smooth transition
Borders can seamlessly blend your curb to your lawn but still maintain a boundary for your garden plot. This border style also directs and prevents foot traffic on your garden!
Exciting curves
If you feel your lawn looks flat, borders around your plant can add exciting curves to a once boring lawn. You can also play with the border’s direction and create a mazelike pathway that’ll turn your yard into an explorer’s delight.
Corner highlight
Do you have a gloomy nook that needs a highlight? Then a border does it beautifully. Not only does a border direct the eye towards that corner, it also fills up that edge with design.
Container plot
If you can’t resist planting a somewhat invasive plant species, then borders can serve as a large encasement. While container pots can do for small- to medium-sized plants, shrubs which need a greater area will benefit more with a border. Not only will you be able to provide ample space for the expansive plant’s root and trunk system, you will also be able to curb its growth and avoid it taking up more yard space than you initially planned.
Unifying design
Aside from serving as large containers for your flower bed, borders can also be an extension of your home’s façade. By doing this, you’re presenting a unified design theme. When you do this, your home looks very well put together indeed from a passersby’s perspective.
Found the border style you’d love for your outdoors to have? Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation!
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