An outdoor project requires more than just your financial resources. It needs your time, patience, and attention for it to be a success. With that in mind, here are top 5 frequently asked questions to ask your contractor before beginning your outdoor project with them.
How long does this type of outdoor project last?
An outdoor project disrupts your usual routine, even if it is conducted outdoors. There will be noise affecting not only you but also your neighbors, busy foot traffic, and timing concerns especially if the materials will be custom-made. That said, having a flexible schedule with enough lead time is a must if you want the outdoor project to progress smoothly.
How many workers will you have on this project?
Knowing how many workers will be in your backyard is the first step to ensuring safety and security for all. Take the time to acquaint yourself with the workers to motivate them to do their best while working on your project. A greeting and warm welcome can go a long way.
Who will be my contact person?
Talking to different people in your outdoor team can be confusing. Streamline all communication by asking who would be the project manager or main contact person you can get in touch with in case you have concerns, requests, or questions.
What happens if there’s a change in the plan?
While the planning stage is there to smooth out all the details for the project, changes are inevitable. It’s better to be clear how changes are managed, approved, and applied before the change request happens. It’s also wise to clarify early on who foots the bill for the change requests.
Will you handle maintenance?
Maintenance is always a key factor in the longevity and sturdiness of your outdoor installation. Maintenance is also a warranty of sorts that your contractor may offer for certain minor issues that can occur within a specified duration after the project has been completed.
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